

More Screenings Coming Up Soon...........

Kala Ghoda Arts Festival :
Date : SAT FEB 06 2010  
Time : 6 pm - 7 pm
Venue : BNHS Auditorium,opposite Lions Gate,Kala Ghoda.

UpperCrust Food Festival :
Date : FRI DEC 04 2009  
Time : Through out the day,every 20 mins new show. 
Venue : World Trade Center (Cuff Parade)


Irani Chai (Blog)
Mumbai born and raised filmmaker Saloni Shukla has studied cinematography in Mumbai, New York and Singapore. Her latest documentary Inheritance of Loss, to be launched at Mumbai’s Kala Ghoda Arts Festival this coming February, looks at the demise of her home town’s Irani cafes. Here is what Saloni has to say about the project.....(read more) 

::Time Out Mumbai::
The familiar and the quirky merge together in the stereotypical Irani café. In his 1982 poem, Irani Restaurant Instructions, inspired by the accidentally funny boards at such cafés, Nissim Ezekiel writes, Please/ Do not spit/ 

Do not sit more/ Pay promptly, time is invaluable/ Do not write letter/ Without order refreshment/ Do not comb/ Hair is spoiling floor/ Do not make mischiefs in cabin/ Our waiter is reporting/ Come again/ All are welcome whatever caset/ If not satisfied tell us/ Otherwise tell others/ God Is Great.......(read more) 

 Dhishoom - londons first bombay cafe
The Irani cafes have been the familiar abode of wealthy businessmen, lawyers, struggling rickshaw pullers in need of a quick refreshment to whole families for whom the local Irani could be a place for lovely lunches or dinners. For the hooker who worked the street it was a place of refuge, too…anyone, irrespective of religion, caste or creed could wander in and find comfort in the energy of the place.........(read more) 


Out of 400 Irani cafes that inhabited the city only 25 still struggle to remain open. Surely expensive cafes and restaurants have their own style but lack the character that any Irani cafe had. Is face value everything? If it is, then why are these cafes going extinct considering they have one of the most charming faces of them all??? 
Through this documentary the makers have tried to capture the sense of nostalgia that these cafes offered. Documenting cafes around Mumbai and by talking to the owners and celebrities who frequented these places, the filmmaker has tried to share her own experience of finding the reason behind the shut down of these prestigious cafes that once represented the city's character  and now represent the fading heritage of this great big city.